Agostinho Manuel Bento de Oliveira was born in Mozambique in 1967. In 1976 he moved to Portugal where he studied at the school of Arts and Crafts ?Soares dos Reis" of Oporto. Since then he?s deeply linked to the world of art, theatre and design.
"Caligrams-Linear Poetry (Apollinaire vs. Foucault)". Mama Ines. Madrid, Spain.
"Lyrics of Fado". Municipal Gallery of Ourém, Portugal.
"Caligrams-Linear Poetry (Apollinaire vs. Foucault)". La Buga del Lobo, Madrid, Spain
"Londr'ArtEhibition2011". Acquire Gallery, London, UK. Sponsored by London Art Caffe and at rtItaliaPromos. Collective exhibition.
"N.A.R.C.O.-art Trafficking". La Boca del Lobo, Madrid, Spain. Collective exhibition.
"Poiesis, Living is Poetry". Mama Inés Cafetería, Madrid, Spain.
"Angel y Parejas". La Buga del Lobo, Madrid, Spain.
2011: "Londr'ArtExhibition 2011". Sponsored by London Art Caffe and at rtItaliaPromos Finalist
1989: "Young Talent Artists Awards". Sponsored by Fidelidade insurance company. Finalist